Why is reading important to children?
Reading is very crucial for babies and young children because it helps the child to get to
know sounds, words, and language.
Early reading also develops early literacy skills, it helps develop your little one’s brain, their
ability to focus, concentrate, and their social and communication skills.
Parents can start reading to their children as early as they like, the earlier the better.
Babies would love to be held in their parent’s arms, listening to their voices, hearing rhymes
and rhythms, and looking at the pictures.
When to read, sing and tell stories with your child?
Bedtime, bath time, potty time, in the car, in the park, in the stroller, in the cot, when you
are in the Dr’s room waiting, any time is a good time for a story.
Parents, please make books part of your daily routine, take them with you to share and
enjoy everywhere.
Tips when reading to your child
Make a routine and try to share at least one book every day. Create a reading corner where you are both comfortable and it can become part of your daily reading routine. Turn off the TV and put your phone on silent and read the story so your little one can see your facial expressions and pictures in the book. Try and make funny noises and sounds, play, and have fun while you read.
Always involve your child by encouraging him/her to talk about the pictures and by repeating familiar words and phrases.
Let your child choose the book when he/she is old enough to start asking, and parents be
prepared to read your toddler’s favourite book repeatedly.
When your child is ready, ask him/her to tell the story in their own words.
Enjoy these special moments with your child.